Select varieties of U by Kotex pads and liners are part of our new Buy 5 or more, Save $1 each Kroger Mega Event. We received a $2/1 coupon in last weekend’s Smartsource coupon insert or we can use the new(er) $2/1 Kroger Digital Coupon. Combine that with our $1.50 Fetch Rewards and we’re looking at a money maker on Teen Pads and low low prices on a few others.
We’re seeing a regional price range on Lightdays Liners but if you find the lower price like me, then those could be your money maker instead.
{{ allSelected ? 'Remove all deals' : 'Select all deals' }}
Final cost is as low as ${{formatPrice(item.final_price)}} {{item.price_appendum}}
*Kroger Cash Back, Fetch Rewards and Ibotta Rebate offers, values and expiration dates vary by account.