Make sure to print this coupon before you head to Kroger. Select varieties of Temptations cat treats are on closeout at Kroger. I used this coupon and walked out with 3 bags for only $0.50! I might just have some happy kitties tonight!
[pl-deal id=’60774′][pl-title]Temptations Indoor Salmon Flavor Cat Treats (2.1 oz) – $0.50 (on closeout)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Buy 3, Use $1/3 Temptations Treats for Cats printable [/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]0.17 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
Tammy f
I went to my Kroger in blue ash oh and the clerk told me it was a hoax. Wish I knew where to get them…..good deal
I live about a half hour away from Columbus,Oh and just went tonight and this deal was not at my kroger. they were3/4.50 here 🙁
I received a .50¢/1 in the 6/15RP. I don’t have a cat but I plan on stocking up and donating these to my local Humane Society.
These were 3 for $1.67 in Columbus.
Chuck P.
I have a coupon for $1/2 Temptations Treats for Cats from the RP 6/15.
Did you miss this one? I’m in Ohio.