Well, well. This is a great way to start the day. Head on over to your Kroger Digital Coupons and see if you’re lucky enough to have a FREE Sweet Baby Ray’s Kroger Digital Coupon! These bottles are included in the Kroger Mega Event but with the digital coupon you’ll pay NOTHING!! I found my coupon under the “General” tab. Did you get this coupon too?
BUT even better we also have a $1.50 off ONE Sweet Baby Ray’s Hot Sauce coupon that will make these bottles completely FREE too!
[pl-deal id=’214955′][pl-title]Sweet Baby Ray’s Hot Sauce (12 oz) – $0.99 (wyb 5 participating items thru 6/12)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use FREE Sweet Baby Ray’s Hot Sauce, any variety Kroger Digital Coupon – Limit 1 (exp 06/12/18)
Or $1.50/1 Sweet Baby Ray’s Hot Sauce – 5-20-18 SS (exp 06/30/18)
Final cost is FREE!![/pl-desc][/pl-deal]
Won’t load to my card.
This coupon has been behaving oddly for me too.
I found and loaded the coupon but it has recently disappeared from my coupon list. When I search for it in the all coupons tab, I can find it and I have the option to load it, but it tells me it can’t.
From the mobile app, I have the option to load, but when I do, it tells me I already have it loaded.
I’m willing to bet that this is going to be our Friday Freebie, and the coupon showed up prematurely but isn’t really valid yet.
How do i get this free coupon for sweet baby hot sauce
How do i get this free coupon
I had the same problem with my loaded coupons disappearing.
I have not had digital coupons come off if they are more than the item. Has anyone else bought this yet and had the coupon work.
When I logged in today, all of my loaded coupons were deleted. There was nothing in the ‘my coupons’ tab. Has anyone else experienced this?
I did not find one under the general tab. HOWEVER, when you search the word sweet baby ray in the search bar, click the “coupons” tab (to the right of the “products” tab, I found it in that list!