We have an excellent sale price on Sriracha Sauce at Kroger. We don’t have any matching coupons but we do have a Shopmium rebate that will get you $0.50 off of a bottle. $1.99 is a “put that baby in the cart” price for me but if I can save another $0.50 then I may as well, right?
[pl-deal id=’77745′][pl-title]Huy Fong Sriracha Chili Sauce (17 oz) – $1.99 (thru 2/3)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Pay $1.99, Submit for $0.50/1 Huy Fong Sriracha Sauce (Shopmium Rebate) [/pl-desc]
On FB there’s a group called Frugal is the New Black. It’s a coupon trade/sell group.
Google “Coupon clipping”
Randy Bird
Hey- someone commented to a post I had left leaving some websites where I could go to buy coupons in my surrounding states or something like that and I cant find it now. I am so sorry I am so new to this and feel so dumb. Could someone maybe help me! :/