Both Speed Stick and Lady Speed Stick Deodorants are included in our new Buy 5 or more, Save $1 each Kroger Mega Event for $0.99. We woke up to a brand new $0.50/1 Kroger Digital Coupon that can be used on either one, so you’ll pay just $0.49 and that doesn’t stink!! We also still have this printable coupon available, but it’s been around for awhile so you may have already used it.
Remember, to get the $0.99 “mega pricing” just make sure you’re purchasing at least 5 participating mega items. You can mix and match anything in the sale. After your 5th item, everything you buy will receive that $1 off instant savings (as long as it’s a participating item).
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Final cost is as low as ${{formatPrice(item.final_price)}} {{item.price_appendum}}
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