Here are a few deals sent in this week that you might want to check out! Thanks to all you “Kroger Krazies” for keeping my inbox and Facebook pages filled up with great Kroger deals!! Keep ‘em coming! You guys are Kroger super stars!!
SPECIAL NOTE: While you LOVE LOVE to share Manager’s Specials finds (orange & yellow stickers shown above), please keep in mind that these are STORE specific and will not be found by everyone unless you list the exact store location you found them. Kroger Closeouts (white tag) will typically be found everywhere (with price variations), which is why I post a weekly closeouts roundup but do not post the manager’s specials. Instead, feel free to brag about those finds on my Facebook Page or here in the comments.
Doritos and Ruffles chips are 1.99 in the mega sale.. Also 1.00
digital coupon that you can use up to 5 times making them .99 cents
(Thanks Danielle!)
Idk about your Kroger but MAYBE have your team look at the kellogs
cereal real quick? My Kroger has it on sale for 1.49 per box. We have
2 coupons….. 1 coupon from using 84123 area code. $1.00
off 2…. Coupon 2 is a sunday insert coupon (not sure what date I
clipped mine? But it is Save $1.00 on 3 boxes of cereal ex 2/21/16
(Thanks Shawnda!)
$3.50 plus has $2/1
(thanks Stephanie!)
(Thanks Shantale!)
Found in my store!
(Thanks Tina!)
Received this cat advertisement the other day, my region is King Soopers Colorado, A bonus for this next week because they are still apart of the Mega Sale and there are printable 2.50 off 8 from, hope it helps, love love love! Your site, Thank you,
(Thanks Katie!)
There was a $2/4 PowerBar digital coupon in my kroger account yesterday. I used 2 printable and 1 digital coupon to score 12 bars for free plus got the $3 CAT back as well.
(Thanks Heather!)
Note From Katie: Check out our PowerBar Post!!
v8 veggie blends 1.60 closeouts cpn 1.00 off one in smart source 1-24-16 great deal .. can we say .60 for v8
(Thanks Danielle!)
I cashed out the $2 ibotta rebate on beechnut natural baby food. I now have a $3 rebate on 5, making these free plus moneymaker of .55 cents when used with the mega sale!
(Thanks Sarah!)
Note From Katie: Here’s our BeechNut Post you can’t miss out on moms!!!
I’m not sure if this is how people contact you with deals directly,
but I wanted to share. Here’s a 3 day deal at Kroger starting Friday.
I thought about it when you posted the biscuits
(Thanks Kendale!)
Katie would love to let you know just got 500 bonus points from Kroger , for being a bonus customer. You might want everyone to check there rewards acct.
(Thanks Danielle!)
Not sure if I was allowed to post on the Kroger Krazy page, but I LOVE
Kroger, I just got an email from them and I was awarded 500 bonus fuel
points!! The email said it was a “Thank you” for being such a good
customer, that makes my day! Maybe others got the same email?!
(Thanks Arnold & Sarah!)
This current Mega deal just got better with the coupon from Sunday’s newspaper.
Sweet Baby Ray’s Wing Sauce or Marinade – 1-31-16 SS; Includes 16 oz or Larger Only$1.00/1 (exp 02/29/16)
$1.00/1 Sweet Baby Ray’s Wing Sauce or Marinade – 1-31-16 SS; Includes 16 oz or Larger Only (exp 02/29/16)
(Thanks Kathy!)
On closeout 3/$1.25 use the $1 off 3 and pay $.25
(Thanks Crystal!)
Speedstick Gear closeout deal
(Thanks Kendra!)
I was checking my coupons and I saw that I have a Catalina for $1.50 off 3 boxes of Fruitocracy squeezable fruit pouch. I didn’t see it on your list!
(Thanks Kate!)
Just received
(Thanks Debra!)
Check your stores
A bunch of close out prices on glade items and Febreze and Air Wick
Use those coupons
(Thanks Amanda!)
Note From Katie: Miss our Closeout Post on this last Tuesday? No biggie you can check it out today!!
I didn’t see this on the page but it makes a great filler item at only 0.39!
(Thanks Sara!)
I got this yesterday in Central Louisiana
(Thanks Ashley!)
Another Kroger close out!
(Thanks Ashely!)
Surprise fuel points!!!!!
(Thanks Tonya!)
(Thanks Crystal!)
I was at my local Ralph’s (a Kroger affiliate) in Oxnard, CA today and they had some different varieties of Wholly Guacamole on closeout for $1.49 so with the $1.50/1 insert coupon we recently got, that would make them a moneymaker. Or if you don’t have that coupon, their FB page offers a $1.00/1 coupon. Either way, a great deal if you can find them.
(Thanks Shannon!)
In case you didn’t have this one
(Thanks Samantha!)
I got this And was curious if anyone knows how much the Irish Spring is at Kroger during the mega? There is a $1/1 ip. There is a good deal elsewhere, but I could use the cat for groceries.
(Thanks Angela!)
And here are some of your Kroger hauls you’ve shared with me this week. Yes, this is a BRAGGING zone. 🙂
(Thanks Tiffany!)
Today was one of my biggest hauls! $198 before coupons, $50 out of
pocket! 75% savings!
(Thanks MaryKate!)
Fifteen dollars and eighty-one cents of happiness instead of fifty dollars and thirty-three cents of budget killing expenses.
(Thanks Kathy!)
I just wanted to share my total Kroger/Huggies haul… I love Kroger Krazy!
$495 retail… $126 out of pocket… 75% savings
(Thanks Kristin!)
And they say a man can’t grocery shop…
Coupons were $2 off Fresh Step, found on the box, Kroger breakfast bars, received in the mail, and Powerbars, two $2 printed coupons…
$2 Catalina for next shopping trip also…
37% savings….
Be very careful, Catalinas printers are not working very well, many are not printing, have missing ink colors, or just printing blank pages.
Just watch the printer before getting in line, if you see a Catalina print successfully, get in that line….
(Thanks Matthew!)
Walmart Haul 1/26/16:
(4) Tide liquid: $5.24 – $2/1 q = $3.24 e
(4) Tide Pods: $3.97 – $3/13 = $.97 e
Kroger Haul 1/26/16:
(32) Gerber pouches: $.57 e
☆buy 16+ get $3 oyno☆
(12) Gerber puffs, crunchies, yogurt melts: $1.16 e
(4) Gerber sides: $.34 e
(2) Kelloggs Smores: $1.09 e
(1) Gevalia 12pk: $2.99
(8) Mars fun size: $.50 e
(8) Herbal Essences: $1.49 e
(8) Ivory: $.50 e
(2) Suave kids: $1.24 e
(4) Old Spice: $1.57 e ☆closeout☆
(4) Old Spice: $1.07 e ☆closeout☆
(4) Febreze: $.69 e ☆closeout☆
(4) Tide liquid: $3.99 e
(2) Scrubbing Bubbles: $1.49 e
☆buy 2 get $2 oyno☆
(1) Venus razor: $3.99 ☆closeout☆
♡Retail $247.42
♡Paid: $116.15
♡54% Savings
-includes items not pictured-
(16) Gerber Tubs: $.62 e
☆buy 16+ get $3 oyno☆
(2) Frosted Flakes: $.49 e
(1) Donut House 12pk: $3.99
♡Retail: $32.47
♡Paid: $12.47
♡62% Savings
(Thanks Kendra!)
Our haul from today: 128 PowerBars and 16 Creamette pastas. Paid $6.56
and received $32 back in Catalinas. Thank you for making this
(Thanks Christine!)
Hey Katie, as always love your site! This order came to 290.49 retail only paid 49.22, 82.8% savings!
(Thanks Marcus!)
I’m in So Cal so my Kroger is Ralphs. Often our prices are higher than ones posted, but I still manage to score great hauls. This week I had two Facebook $4 off $40 and $5 off $15 meat. Combine that with the week of freebies, coupons and mega sale and my total was $11.34, best grocery store haul yet! Thanks for the help!
(Thanks Barbara!)
Wanted to share my haul. About $40 OOP for everything (Tide was from Rite Aid.) Got 1 $3 cat back. They were out of Power Bars so I have to go back tomorrow for my 12 free ones and my $3 cat smile emoticon
She Moisture was on clearance and I used coupons to get an awesome deal!
(Thanks Holly!)
No surprise fuel points for me! But I did save 83%! I had a $4 Catalina not print, so I got back $4 in cash!
(Thanks Jeanne!)
Just started this week! I love this!!! It’s not as great as I’d hoped, but still awesome!!! $170.xx total, OOP $66.78;
(Thanks Marie!)
Only $5.36. 12 power bars & 3 coupons. 2 meatballs & 2 coupons. 2 curleys bbq & 2 $0.75 off coupons. Plus a $3 cat printed from a previous order. $2.36 total if you include the $3 cat print out!
(Thanks Julia!)
I’ve gone Kroger krazy.. Haha! OOP was $25.86
(Thanks Ashley!)
33 powerbars, 4 cooked perfect meatball packs, 2 curleys pulled pork, 2 sunny delights, 1 stouffer entre, 1 uncle bens rice, 4 pillsbury grands, 1 Rana refrigerated ravioli. Total= $6.47! Yay!!!
(Thanks Julia!)
Oop 22.81 and I got a $2 cat
(Thanks Amber!)
On sale for $1 each bought 38 used 19 $1/2 coupons. Paid $19. $0.50 for a 6 pack is a pretty good deal!
Buy 6 save $3. Bought 18 used 18 $1.50/1 coupons paid $1.32 in tax!
(Thanks Michelle!)
27.02. I know I’m not great but I saved 58%
(Thanks Marina!)
$3.00 back from Pediasure + $0.50 Ibotta pending (not calculated in prices below).
(Thanks Cassandra!)
I’ve been making trips to Kroger like every day this mega sale! Lol. Tonight I got 36 boxes of pasta & 18 Birdseye veggies for $3.xx .. Probably have 200+ boxes of pasta now, all of which was free! Thanks Kroger Krazy
(Thanks Kiana!)
80 cents an item. Thank you KK!
(Thanks Debra!)
(Thanks Brad!)
Close out sale $6.99 in Chester, VA
$3 off coupon on Kroger card
Checkout $1.50
Brings it to $$2.49
i am sure probably find even better coupon
Close out $2.57
ecoupon $1
megaevent 0.5
total $1.07
(Thanks Angela!)
Make sure to check out the Kroger Krazies on Facebook for even MORE great deals submitted to us! All you have to do is join HERE!
Have a Kroger deal you’d like to share? Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this page and fill out the “Submit a deal” form (like shown above). I LOVE pictures, so if you have a picture to go along with your deal, just upload it with the form or you can email me at [email protected]. Thanks everyone!
Are huggies wipes 56/72 count still .99 today 2/2 our kroger has no sign and i didn’t ask.