Wow! I cannot even believe my eyes!! There’s a brand new printable coupon for $1.00/2 Post Kids Cereals. We rarely see Post coupons and when we do they are typically for the fru fru adult kind, not the KIDS variety (which is what my husband prefers anyway lol).
Some Walgreens carry the small boxes of Post Cereal for $1.00, so ONLY $0.50 each after this HOT coupon!!
$1.00/2 Post Kids Cereal —-> DIRECT LINK
Don’t wait to print this baby!! And don’t wait to use it, mine expires on 10/22.
**Hint: This coupon prints with a Walmart logo, but since it’s in blue/yellow, try printing in black & white and it may not show up. This is a REGULAR manufacturer coupon that can be used anywhere.
there is alot of excitement over this coupon today :O) LOL