We have a new SeaPak coupon that matches with this BOGO sale we have at Kroger until March 1st!
If your store rings them up half price/half price OR if they allow a coupon on the free item:
[pl-deal id=’121514′][pl-title]Buy (2) SeaPak Shrimp & Clams (9-18 oz) – $7.99 (B1G1 Free thru 3/1)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use (2) $1.00/1 SeaPak Product – 2-7-16 SS; Includes 8 oz or Larger Only (exp 04/30/16)
Or $0.75/1 SeaPak Product; Includes 8 oz or Larger Only[/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]3.00 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
If your store rings them up full price and zero and does NOT allow a coupon the free item:
[pl-deal id=’121515′][pl-title]Buy (2) SeaPak Shrimp & Clams (9-18 oz) – $7.99 (B1G1 Free thru 3/1)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use (1) $1.00/1 SeaPak Product – 2-7-16 SS; Includes 8 oz or Larger Only (exp 04/30/16)
Or $0.75/1 SeaPak Product; Includes 8 oz or Larger Only[/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]3.00 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
.75 coupon on SeaPak Facebook page
There was a 2/1 printable coupon that was out few days ago. I’m not sure if it’s still available but you can google it.
Sea packs were in the SS this week.
what zip code to use?
I don’t see it…is this already gone or under a different zip code perhaps??
I couldn’t find it either.