We have a new Disney Vitamins coupon to print tonight! These are BOGO Free at Kroger right now AND part of the Mega Event!
Disney Vitamins – $6.19-$13.99 BOGO Free (wyb 4 participating items)
Buy 2, Use (2) $1/1 Disney Character Gummmie Vitamins printable
Or $1/2 Disney Character Shaped Gummie Vitamins printable
Final cost is as low as $2.10 each!
BOTH bottles should ring up as a mega event item and count towards your 4 participating items, but keep your eye on the screen to make sure it shows a <+ symbol next to it.
Do you have to buy in quantities of 4 to get the deals this week? If I buy 5 items, will the 5th have the same Mega Event pricing?
I went to Krogers tonight and got 1 bottle of vitamins for $1.50 after using $1 coupon and buying 3 other items on the mega sale.
These vitamins are $6.99 at my Kroger. I always buy these when they are on a BOGO sale. They always ring up at half price and I quite often just buy 1 and get it for $3.50.
So even though they are BOGO Free I can us 2 $1/1 coupons? I thought I could only use it on the one that isn’t free? Sorry new at this.
Disney gummy vitamins ($7.29 regular price at Kroger) are at King Dollar in Houston, where everything is $1.09! My kids love them.
Can I use a coupon that printed from Walgreens? It’s for $1.50 off any marvel vitamins.
Rach, as long as it’s a regular manufacturer coupon – yes.