We had a NEW $2.00/1 Balmex Diaper Rash Cream show up today, and guess what? It’s a Closeout at Kroger!! Hopefully it is for you too, because your final cost will only be $0.91!!
[pl-deal id=’137325′][pl-title]Balmex Diaper Rash Cream (4 oz) – $2.91 (Closeout Price)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $2.00/1 Balmex Diaper Rash Cream; Includes 2, 4, or 16 oz Only
Or $2.00/1 Balmex Baby Product (exp 06/30/16)
$2.00/1 Balmex Diaper Rash Cream – 5-1-16 SS (exp 06/26/16) [/pl-desc]
I tried using this q they didn’t take it, the register said the product didn’t match at my Fred Meyer they are $2.02