I just received this email from Kroger for $3 off my next $10 Health & Beauty Purchase! It gave me the option to share, so of course I’m going to…with all of you! 🙂
Just login to your Kroger account, then click THIS LINK to go directly to the coupon where you will have the option to load it to your shoppers card! Coupon doesn’t expire until 3/12, so you’ll have plenty of time to make good use of it! Since this coupon isn’t going to attach to any specific item, you should be able to use manufacturer coupon(s) as well!
This did load to my card, however, did not work, and is no longer on my card??????
thanks so much for the heads up:)
Mary Jo
Thanks for deal! Loaded it up!
Thanks for sharing! I loaded mine and it came off on my puchase of B1G1 Disney vitamins and some of the super cheap closeout makeup.
Just loaded it! Thank you so much 🙂
I had the same issue but then I opened another window, went to Krogers site and signed in, clicked back on original link and it went through.
does it work on drugs?
Same thing… seems to have heavy traffic since it is a great coupon value!! Hope I get one too!! 🙂
I did try to sign in my account to load this coupon onto my card but I get this message – We’re sorry, but the coupon service is temporarily unavailable. Please check back later. I will try again later in couple hours and will let you know if I am able to get through. Thanks!