RARE Kroger Pharmacy Prescription Transfer Coupon!
I mentioned this in the 12 Merry Days of Deals post, but wanted to make sure it did NOT go missed because it’s a super rare opportunity to earn an easy $25!!
Get $25.00 in Free Groceries when you transfer a qualifying prescription Kroger Digital Coupon – Limit 1 (exp 03/20/19)
For this coupon you must download TODAY but you have until 03/20/20 to transfer a prescription.
*Offer will be loaded to your Shopper’s Card at the Pharmacy to be used on future grocery transactions. Prescriptions must have been previously filled and purchased at another non-Kroger-owned Pharmacy then transferred and purchased at a Kroger-owned Pharmacy. Prescriptions must have valid refills to be eligible. Prescriptions for controlled substances are not eligible. Patients covered by government programs are not eligible. Patients enrolled in Kroger Rx Savings Club membership program are not eligible. Not valid where prohibited by law. Offer not redeemable for purchases of any items prohibited by law. Restrictions and exclusions apply. Void in AL, AR, MS, OR, TN and VA. See Pharmacy for details. Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item.
I was so excited to hear that Kings/Kroger rewarded customers for transferring new prescriptions to their pharmacy, then saw that expiration date is 3/20/20? Are you no longer doing this or will something come out in December?
did not work. called kroger and they had no idea what this site is offering.
Someone hasn’t been truthful to you then. I transferred a prescription over to Kroger and did not even realize that I got paid to do it “the $25 coupon”. I went to check out after buying groceries right after getting my prescription, and the money was already on the card. So it should be loaded immediately. I transferred my wife’s in and got $25 for that as well. So at least in Michigan there’s no scam problem.
I clipped this coupon, transferred and purchased my prescription, and went shopping. When the coupon wouldnt apply at checkout, the employees had no idea what I was talking about and after a manager making a call I was told it takes 24 hours after purchasing the prescription for the coupon to activate.
I just went shopping again yesterday (about a week later) and noticed that the coupon is completely removed from the app. Complete scam and I ended up having to pay more for my prescription than at my last pharmacy.
I can’t find it when I log in