Just wanted to give a reminder that Kroger Milk half gallons are $1 this week. The sale will run with your sale cycle so for me it’s thru 2/10. Dairy milk is one milk that can easily be frozen so pick up a few this week at Kroger. This includes the Skim, 1%, 2%, and Whole Milk but excludes the chocolate milk.
Kroger Milk Half Gallons = $1.00 at Kroger!
NEVER miss a deal!
If you’re tired of paying too much for the things your family needs most, sign up to receive daily Kroger deals sent straight to your inbox!
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No sale on half gallons in Texas. Whole gallons are 2 for $5 though.
Some of us have been a KrogerKrazy for awhile. She’s always stated that the prices very by region. I am so thankful for the KK site. I know that Katie and her sidekick put in hours to update us on what’s available. I wish I could get all the deals, but I know there’s deals I’ll get, that others will not. I just wish there could be more Katie’s covering stores that still double. I always said when my store quit doubling that I’d quit Kroger, but I’m hooked on the MEGA sales. They’re fun and they save my family lots of money. Again thanks Katie. 🙂
Prices will vary by region!!
$2.69, per half gallon and $2.50, per gallon in the Atlanta region.
so do u have to buy 10 or could I only buy say 5
4 for 5.00 at ours
2.69 a gallon southeastern ky
This posting isn’t for a gallon.
Thanks! We are actually out at the moment, and as a mom of a toddler…that’s dangerous lol
$1 in Columbus, Ohio region
foes this include chocolate too
No in the paragraph above it says chocolate milk is excluded :-(.
Pretty sure she never stated EVERY Kroger had the same deal. She’s always been very upfront about that. Every region is different. No need for negative comments. Sorry your not getting the deal but nobody gets them all! Thank you so much for taking the time to help us. Sorry some are so ungrateful. I appreciate everything you have done and continue to do!
This is not true, please do not post these things if they are not accurate. Thank you
It’s accurate for me. Just because it isn’t for you doesn’t mean you should be rude about it because you’re pissed you aren’t getting the deal. There’s been plenty of deals I didn’t get because my proves weren’t different but I’m not complaining.
He used please and thank you, I’m pretty sure that’s the opposite of rude.
Stores do vary in pricing and sales. It is accurate for her location, so she posted it. Nothing wrong with what she did.
Of course it’s true for some people. How else was she able to get those pictures?? Katie posts the deals, and we as loyal readers place respectful comments in this section to help each other spot the differences in the regions. Thank you Katie for all your hard work and all you do for us!
We don’t have a deal this week on half gallons in my region. We have $1.99 GALLON milk on sale this week in my area.
Ours are 1.67 also. 3/5
in our ad it’s 1.67
Every store price is $1 or specific location?
These are $1.25 in my ad. Still cheaper than a gallon!