In a Mega Sale situation, you MUST purchase 6 participating items (in this case) to get the additional mega savings of $0.50 per item. So, for example you have a cart full of groceries, but you count only 5 items. A filler item is what you grab to get your item count up to a multiple of 6 so that you can get the mega discount on all of your items. Preferably something very inexpensive that doesn’t require a coupon, because if you had a coupon – it’s probably already in your cart!
Don’t forget you can view the Mega Event full inclusions list HERE.
There is a $1 PopSecret Savingstar coupon that makes one box .49!! Definitely a good deal.
Donna Mollaun
Some of those great fillers are main “got-to-go-to-Kroger-&-get-’em” deals for me. EX: Vlastic Pickles, Creamette Pasta (my fav), Albacore Tuna & Slider Bags.
They also have skinner pasta too for $.49 . I used it as my filler item. Thank you for the other great suggestions.