Hey! Stop what you’re doing to see if you received this incredible offer from Kroger! We’ll earn 200 Fuel Points when we spend $25 on our next grocery purchase! YAY! I love racking up those Fuel Points!! Not everyone will receive this, but be sure to check your email to see if you are one of the lucky ones!!
Easy Way to Earn 200 Fuel Points at Kroger!!

NEVER miss a deal!
If you’re tired of paying too much for the things your family needs most, sign up to receive daily Kroger deals sent straight to your inbox!
No spam, ever.
Can’t download coupon for fuel.
I got it in my digital coupons. Thanks for the heads up, I might have missed it otherwise. I live in the Atlanta, Georgia market. Thanks for all you do to make Krogering so much more cost effective with your tips and Must Do Deals on Fridays. In these challenging times it is so much more helpful to keep the focus on things positive.
Not in Columbus Ohio either.
Not available to me in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
It says there are no coupons available for the 200 fuel points when I logged in.
I received this message when loading to my account: Sorry, currently there are no coupons available.
We do not have this offer in our area.
I logged in and it wasn’t available 🙁