Here’s a great sale price on Hormel Chili, plus we have several Hormel coupons to use that will make them as low as $0.50 each!
[pl-deal id=’45050′] [pl-title] Hormel Chili (15 oz) – $1.00 (thru 1/18) [/pl-title]
[pl-desc] Buy 2, Use $1/2 Hormel Chili Product from Jan ALL YOU (exp 1/27)
Or $0.55/2 Hormel Chili Product printable
$0.55/2 Hormel Chili Product printable
$0.55/2 Hormel Chili Product from 01/12 SS (exp 3/10)
$0.55/2 Hormel Chili Item (Kroger Digital Coupon)
Final cost is as low as $0.50 each
= $0.45 each if $0.55 coupons double! [/pl-desc][/pl-deal]
(thanks Andy!)
Yea I tried doing this last night. I got home and looked at receipt, I got charged 2.89 PER CAN because I got the ones with NO BEANS and apparently those ones aren’t on the 10 for 10… granted yes, I did save 2.20 on 4 cans total but still… I was pretty upset… gotta start reading the stuff closer I guess…. but I am gonna head back there today to grab a few other things, and see if they have anymore toothpaste, but you bet your a$$ im gonna take my receipt and look at those beans more closely!