Dates Unknown | Glucerna Products
Buy (2) = $3.00 OYNO
We have a Glucerna Catalina generating at Kroger right now. The tags don’t indicate a thru date so if you happen to have a Catalina printout with dates, please send my way. Check out the deal you’ll find on these bars at Kroger!
Deal Scenario:
[pl-deal id=’122416′][pl-title]Glucerna Nutrition Bars (6 ct) – $3.99 (thru 2/28)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Buy 2, Use $3.00/2 Glucerna Products; Must Sign Up
Or $3.00/2 Glucerna Multipacks – 1-3-16 SS (exp 02/28/16)
$1.50/1 Glucerna Multipack Bar – 1-31-16 SS (exp 03/27/16)
Pay $4.98, get back $3.00 OYNO [/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]0.99 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
I tried this yesterday and no catalinas printed for me. I inquired and was sent to the service counter where they gave me cash instead.