This is just a reminder that you can load your Limit 5 Digital coupons to your Kroger Plus card today! Once you have loaded the digital coupons to your card, you can use each one 5 times for a SINGLE transaction/purchase.
IMPORTANT: You can use these coupons up to 5 times in a SINGLE transaction. You cannot use these coupons in more than one transaction or in different transactions on different days. For example, if you choose to only use a coupon 3 times instead of 5 times in a single purchase, the coupon will be applied to that transaction and will no longer be valid for subsequent transactions!
Once digital coupons are loaded to your card, you have through 03/19/19 to redeem them.
Please Note: It is against store policy to stack a digital coupon and a paper coupon! Learn more about Kroger Digital coupons HERE.
We got the Kroger discount digital coupons and used them. Now we can’t get them. I even went to Kroger’s for help two times. You are forcing me never to shop at Kroger. What is the secret to getting the coupons again?
So I asked my store manager at my store and he said I could combine a paper manufacturer coupon with the 5x digital coupons. They range up perfectly at the register.
Is there an easy way to find ALL 5x coupons instead of looking through all? I can not seem to pull up just the 5x coupons. Thanks!
Where are the 5X coupons for Kroger peanut butter and Kroger oatmeal? Looked under 5X, breakfast, store brand – I can’t believe they would already be gone? Any help appreciated.