Check out THIS GREAT Dial Coupon we have available. It is an insert coupon for B2G1 on any Dial products, men’s or women’s. I wanted to highlight that Dial Women’s are on sale at Kroger for $2.99, and we’ll get a GREAT deal on these, our price is just $1.99 each! These are regularly priced at $3.99, so that is one awesome dealio!
[pl-deal id=’219951′][pl-title]Dial Body Wash (16 oz) – $2.99 (thru 7/24)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Buy 3, Use B2G1 Dial Regular or For Men Body Wash or Bar Soap – 7-15-18 RMN; Includes Bar Soap, 6 ct or Larger Only; Maximum Value $4.49 (exp 07/29/18) [/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]1.99 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
On some of them there are peelies for $1/1 that you can use also