Many of you have been telling me that this Dial Hand Soap has been working with the $1.00/2 Kroger Digital Coupon so I wanted to look into it a bit further. One great thing about the digital coupons is now you can see what items qualify for the coupon when you use the Kroger app. On top of that you can even match UPC codes to make sure the items matches.
I purchased two bottles of the white tea variety shown on the qualifying items list and the coupon came off with no problems. This is the ONLY coupon we have available for these hand soaps. The insert coupon excludes the $0.89 varieties. Don’t be that person and use the coupon! 🙂
[pl-deal id=’165189′][pl-title]Dial Liquid Hand Soap (7.5-9.375 oz) – $0.89 (thru 2/14)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Buy 2, Use $1.00/2 Foaming Hand Wash, Liquid Hand Soap Refills, Bar Soap (3-Bar or Larger), Advanced Bar (2-Bar or Larger) (plus more associated items include 7.5 oz liquid hand soap) Kroger Digital Coupon – Limit 1 (exp 1/29)[/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]0.39 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
Over & Over I don’t have a digital Q for the item stated.
I can’t find any digital Q for hand soap of any kind.
I can’t find any Sargento Cheese Q!
Can you explain to me how to find out what items work for a particular coupon? above you stated that you can even click the UPC to see if the coupon can be used on that item. I’m not seeing how you can do either of these. can you break it down? this is an awesome tool and I really want to know how to do this…..”One great thing about the digital coupons is now you can see what items qualify for the coupon when you use the Kroger app. On top of that you can even match UPC codes to make sure the items matches. Please help.
You click on the coupon in your Kroger app and then scroll down the page. You will see a list of products under it that supposedly work with the coupon. Then if you click on one of the products listed, it will bring details up which include a UPC. This is done all within the app.
Thanks! Never knew about this app thing. Very helpful.
That is NOT off the product on sale. Those pumps are not foaming nor a refill.
Sara, did you read my post?
Honest question here. My digital coupon has the exact same wording as the paper coupon, meaning it’s good for the foaming pumps or regular refills, not the regular pumps.
So my question is this. The newspaper coupon works on items other than what the coupon specifies. We always say, just because it scans, doesn’t mean it’s right.
Wouldn’t the same saying go for digital coupons? Just because the app says it will work for other products, should we be doing that when the wording on the digital coupons says otherwise?
Not trying to start drama, but really trying to understand the reasoning.
Hi Angel, I did think about your question before I posted this deal. The Kroger Digital Coupon gives you choices with what items are associated with the coupon where as the insert does not. The coupon states exactly what the coupon should be used for and gives you no additional choices.
So for example: There is a $2.00/1 Gain product. Below it shows Downey dryer sheets and Bounce dryer sheets. Can you verify that even though the coupon says Gain, we can use it on the Downey and Bounce that is specified? Thanks.