Whoa Baby!! Let’s start off this brand new Buy 5, Save $5 Kroger Mega Event with a super deal on Comforts Baby Wipes! These are just $0.49, which is a great price on its own…but make sure you load up that $0.50/2 Kroger Digital Coupon and get a couple of these for ONLY $0.24 each!
[pl-deal id=’219027′][pl-title]Comforts for Baby Wipes (64 -72 ct) – $0.49 (wyb 5 participating items thru 7/24)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Buy 2, $0.50/2 Use Comforts Wipes; Includes 64-72 ct soft pack Kroger Digital Coupon – Limit 1 (exp 08/07/18)[/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]0.24 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
I’ve checked several Kroger locations in SW Ohio – tags have been cut here too!
I checked 2 store in Houston and they were not .49, same as prior comment, the tags had been chopped at the bottom… 🙁 a manager I asked stated “their brand is NEVER included in the mega” total lie as the bigger pack of 216 wipes (I think) equivalent to 3 packs, was 2.99 so makes it $1 a pack, that’s what I stuck to… as I was running low…
Even if you get these for mega price, you’re not going to get them for .24 each. The .50/2 coupon attaches to the first wipes package scanned making them .99 in the computer’s eyes. Because .99 is below the $1.00 off for the mega event, the $1.00 won’t come off the first package of wipes. So essentially, you’re paying .99 for the first package of wipes and .49 for the second. Or about .75 each, worse deal than no coupon.
These are not included in the mega event at my store. They had cut the bottoms off the tags.
The wipes are no longer ringing up under the mega event at some stores. Not sure if it’ll be all stores but I have seen a few comments where they are no longer a part of the sale.
They cut the tags off at my store.
I went today to my Kroger and these were not tagged. I asked a manager and she said that they were tagged yesterday in error and they were not included in the sale. Maybe some of you will have better luck at other Kroger’s.
Went to Kroger this morning they were not tagged but had seen your blog this morning , got me 10 packages thank you , I have a special needs young lady and appreciated it, and some stuff not tagged yet but for my husband his original old spice deodorant thank you , got toothbrushes and toothpaste .99 after coupons and mega
Our kroger here in waycross ga never have these sales
Is this just Kroger stores? I went to my local dillons and they are not on sale.
I love these wipes. They are better than the name brands.
I have never used these wipes. Are they any good?