Here’s another freebie for Kroger Clicklist that you can add to your account and pick up next time you have a large order to place. I was already placing an order for pickup yesterday so I added these two items; Viva Vantage 6 pack big roll and Cottonelle 6 pack mega roll.
Your total must be $50.00 INCLUDING the Viva and Cottonelle. So right there, that is $18.00 of your order. You’ll just need to add an additional $32.00 of items to your cart. You can use additional Kroger Digital Coupons and manufacturer coupons to your order.
IF your store has Clicklist, you simply need to:
- LOAD the coupons found HERE to your Kroger card (must be logged into your account)
- ADD the items to your next Clicklist order
- The discount will reflect on your receipt once you pay
This is what I bought:
2 Cottonelle 12pk Mega Roll: $11.99
1 Cottonelle 6pk Mega Roll: $7.59
2 Viva Vantage 6pk: $8.99
Had freebies from digital Q’s added those to go over$50 total:
Arla cream cheese
Loaded the Clicklist:
Free Cottonelle and Viva offer
Save $10 when u buy $30 of Cottonelle/Viva
My total was about when I checked out $54
After taxes, paid $24.87 when I picked it up.
Maybe not the best scenario, but felt that it was a good price for me to stock up.
Thanks for the post! Someone had mentioned that you get freebies occasionally with ClickList, but it’s nice to know what the freebies are in advance. I think I might give it a try this week.
I am new to Clicklist~what are some other items I could add to my checkout to come up with a deal like you have, Brad?
can i get papers in the store or it has to be online??
Actually its after deal $2.99.
Is this $50 before mega sale of its after? If i will get 6 shampoo or conditioner it will count like 2.99×6 17.994 before deal or it will take 6 dollars. And how couponing work? Is after couponing or before??
Thank you.
Could you also use the click list bonus items?
$50-18 = $32.
Great deal when you add Merry Days/Friday Freebies too!!!
I did this and ended up spending $19 for all sorts of items including these freebies. I have another order to pickup today on another card for only $11. Awesome deal.