Here’s a new Disney Movie Rewards code you can EARN worth 50 points: M1D17PYH9MXZ
Do you have a movie code you haven’t entered yet or planning on purchasing one soon?
First enter the code M1D17PYH9MXZ in your Disney Movie Rewards account and you will earn 50 bonus points the NEXT time you enter a Magic Code for an eligible Disney Blu-ray, DVD, or CD. Offer expires February 15th! This is a great extra if you are planning on buying Alice in Wonderland!
Don’t know what Disney Movie Rewards is? Keep reading!
Sign up for Disney Movie Rewards to earn points anytime you puchase DVDs, CDs or if you see a Disney movie at the movie theater. They also often times will release bonus points that require no purchase, like the one above! Redeem your points for a variety of prizes. Be sure to “Become a Liker” of Disney Movie Rewards on Facebook so you don’t miss out on bonus codes!
You can also get bonus points by referring your friends! For each friend who signs up under you, you get 20 points (limit 10).
(thanks CouponingToDisney!)