We have a SUPER RARE Goldfish coupon available to print tonight that you will want to get your hands on immediately!! These are just $0.99 with the Kroger Mega Event, so you’ll pay JUST $0.66 each!
Go HERE and enter the Labels for Education Grand Stand for Savings giveaway (100 schools win $10,000)!
After you’ve entered, click “Spin & Save” to get $1/3 Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers coupon!!
[pl-deal id=’104848′][pl-title]Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers (6-6.6 oz) – $0.99 (wyb 5 participating mega items thru 9/15)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Buy 3, Use $1/3 Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers printable[/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]0.66 each![/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
Coupon is now for soup. It must change. Maybe something really good will come up soon!