I am happy to report that the Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss Creamer coupon available on Facebook has reset! I was also just emailed a new link!
$1.00/1 Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss Creamer (16 oz) – Facebook
(void in CO, MO, LA & TN)
$1.00/2 Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss Creamers (16 oz) – NEW LINK
(void in CO, MO & where prohibited)
If you have a Giant Eagle near you, you can get a fabulous deal on these this week (thru Wed):
Coffee-mate flavored creamers – $1.50
Use $1.00/1 Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss Creamer (16 oz) printable
Final cost is $0.50!
(thanks Coral!)
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