Woohoo! The Robitussin coupon reset!! I posted about the FREE Robitussin to go in my What’s FREE at Walmart? list, but wanted to make sure it didn’t get lost. Has anyone found these yet? I forgot to look the last time I was at Walmart. Drat!
Robitussin to-go (4-6 ct) – $0.97-$1.87 (near registers)
Use $1.00/1 Robitussin Product printable
Final cost is as low as FREE + $0.03 Coupon Overage!
(thanks Peachy Saving!)
I didn’t see your emphasis on (near registers) until now, which is probably why I could not find them yesterday in the cough and cold aisle or in the travel section.
They have these at my walmart but they are only a 2 ct and are 1.98.