If you are frustrated trying to find all your favorite pages on Facebook with it’s new layout – here’s a little help to make it a easier (thanks to my super awesome buddy Rose!)
On the left side of your home page you will see a “Lists” category. Lists make it so you can see certain pages, friends or subscriptions in your feed instead of just everything. There should already be a few lists made up for you like Close Friends, Acquaintances, and Family. You can also make new lists yourself.
Start by clicking on the “Lists” category on the left. Click “+ Create a List” and name it. I named mine “Couponing”.
Click “Add Friends” to start adding friends (or pages) to this list by clicking Add Friends and then sort by Pages to find all of your favorite pages quickly! You can even search by name! After you’re done you will see your new list on the left side of your home page and can click on it to view the feed from those select pages!
No more hassle trying to find those great Facebook coupon deals! Don’t forget to “Like” Coupon Katarina on Facebook and add it to one of your new lists!
The other option you have is to scroll down through your news feed until you see one of my posts. Click on the down arrow to make this drop down box appear. Click “mark as top story” and they will make these types of posts a priority on your news feed.
(thanks Rose Knows Coupons!)
Thank you so much that was so easy — great information