From now until October 23, you can earn 4X fuel points on Happy Gift Cards.* at Kroger! You will need to download a coupon to your Kroger card and fuel points will be added when using your Kroger card.
That means 100 Fuel Points for every $25 you spend on gift cards! And remember, gift cards aren’t just for gifts. Take advantage of these fuel points by buying gift cards for yourself! If you plan on shopping at these stores anyway, you may as well take advantage of the gas discount! Purchase gift cards, earn 4X fuel points to save big on fuel and then use the gift cards like cash for things you already do like dining out, shopping at your favorite clothing or home repair store or streaming music or games.There are hundreds of gift cards to choose from…you can browse through them here.
*Excludes: Kroger store Gift Cards and ALL PREPAID RELOADABLE DEBIT CARDS (GreenDot®, Money Paks®, Kroger Rewards® Visa).
For each increment of 100 Points redeemed at the pump, 10¢ off per gallon is awarded up to $1 off per gallon. Example:
- 100 Points = 10¢ off per gallon of fuel for 1 fill-up
- 200 Points = 20¢ off per gallon of fuel for 1 fill-up
- 1,000 Points = $1 off per gallon of fuel for 1 fill-up
Need help understanding how fuel points work? Go HERE!!
Limited time offer. Restrictions apply, see store for details.
Henrietta- email Kroger directly from the Kroger website. I think Katie only promotes Kroger. She cannot help you.
Are Amazon giftcards part of this promotion? Are all giftcards now categorized as Happy?
No. I was looking for Amazon yesterday and didn’t see these on any of the happy gift cards in store.
Please add the above fuel points to our account. We spent over 150.00 for groceries today and I forgot to give the clerk my coupon.
Here is the information from my receipt. 10/21/18
10:26am. ID 01625310822717
Hi Henrietta, Be sure to contact Kroger in hopes they can help 1-866-221-4141.