Make sure to print this Jose Ole Coupon before it disappears on us! These frozen snacks are priced at $3.99 at Kroger. That means our final cost is $2.99!
[pl-deal id=’202939′][pl-title]Jose Ole Snacks (16-20 oz) – $3.99 (wyb 6 participating items thru 2/6)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $1.00/1 Jose Ole Taquitos or Snacks printable; Includes 16 oz or Larger Only
Or $1.00/1 José Olé Taquitos or Snacks (16 oz. or larger) Kroger Digital Coupon – Limit 1 (exp 3/31/18)[/pl-desc]
I found $1/1 and $1.50/2 Jose’ Ole’ in SS 1/21/18 expires 3-31-18