I told you about this Dulcolax deal a couple weeks ago, but it just got a whole lot better with the new Checkout51 Rebate we can add into the mix! Print these high value DulcoEase/Dulcolax coupons, then get to Kroger and put (1) DolcoEase, (1) Dulcolax Tablets and (1) Dulcolax Suppositories in your cart. When you get home, submit for all (3) ibotta Rebates AND (1) Checkout51 Rebate. you just got all 3 for FREE, plus put a total of $5.43 in your pocket! All of the details are below.
[pl-deal id=’156916′][pl-title]Buy (1) DulcoEase with Hydrosoft Action Stool Softener (25 ct) – $5.39 (Reg Price)
Buy (1) Dulcolax or Dulcolax Pink Laxative Tablets (25 – 30 ct) – $5.39 (Reg Price)
Buy (1) Dulcolax Suppositories (4 ct) – $5.79 (Reg Price)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use (1) $4.00/1 DulcoEase Stool Softener printable
AND Use (2) $3.00/1 Dulcolax Laxatives & Stool Softener (25 ct) or Suppositories (4 ct) printable
Pay $6.57, Submit for $3.00/1 DulcoEase Stool Softener with Hydrosoft (25 ct) ibotta Rebate
AND Submit for $3.00/1 Dulcolax Laxative Tablets (25 ct) ibotta Rebate
AND Submit for $3.00/1 Dulcolax Laxative Tablets (25 ct) ibotta Rebate
AND Submit for $3.00/1 Dulcolax (25 ct+) Checkout51 Rebate – Limit 1
Final cost is all 3 for FREE + $5.43 Moneymaker![/pl-desc][/pl-deal]
(thanks Stephanie & Justin!)
🙁 My rebates disappeared. they must be all gone now? Maybe they will reset??
Dulcolax 25 ct and Dulcoease were $4.99 at my Kroger but Dulcolax Suppositories 4ct were $6.99… yikes!
Thank you, Blessed, I found the rebates doing that search!
When I searched for Duc.. nothing came up but when I searched lax it came up
I should have read your comment John before I printed. My ibotta has no Duclolax rebates either! 🙁
I should have checked my ibotta before printing all these coupons. It doesn’t have any of these Dulcolax rebates.