Make sure you print this $1/4 Philadelphia Cream Cheese coupon for the Kroger sale that starts 11/18! It’s not THE BEST deal ever in life, but if you’re going to buy this for your holiday meals might as well save a little money!
[pl-deal id=’112476′][pl-title]Philadelphia Cream Cheese (8 oz) – $1.50 (price starts 11/18)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $1/4 Philadelphia Cream Cheese printable [/pl-desc]
In my local ad, the sale is 3 for $5 or $1.66 each. I live in Houston, TX.
My ad also shows that! I’m in Dallas, TX area!
A Kroger digital coupon for $1 off 4 has popped up on Kroger’s website.