If you’re a fan of Welch’s 100% Grape Juice then make sure to print out this new coupon and head to Kroger where you’ll pay $1.69 per bottle with the Kroger Mega Sale.
[pl-deal id=’81618′][pl-title] Welch’s 100% Grape Juice (64 oz) – $2.19 (wyb 6 participating items thru 2/24)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Buy 2, Use $1/2 Welch’s 100% Grape Juice (valid on 64 oz, 46 oz, or 10 oz multi-pack) printable [/pl-desc]
[pl-finalprice]1.69 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
Katie, I just want to thank you for your generous sharing with this site. I am thankful that you let readers pop in and add info. I would have never found that coupon if you had not posted about it. I know that when we work together we are even better. Please know that you are helping many families every day and we greatly appreciate it. Keep up the good work!
Good catch, thanks.
Margaret Norton
Welch’s coupon did not print!
Printed fine for me.
I saw your post on Kroger’s upcoming new ad which will start tmw and noticed Welch’s 100% juice will be on sale for 1.99 so I bet this price is more cheaper than the mega price. Just saying if this coupon will match the tmw’s price? Lmk and thanks
I’m saving mine for next ad as well.