This is just a reminder that you can reload your Limit 5 Digital coupons to your Kroger Plus card! Once you have loaded the digital coupons to your card, you can use each one 5 times for a SINGLE transaction/purchase.
IMPORTANT: You can use these coupons up to 5 times in a SINGLE transaction. You cannot use these coupons in more than one transaction or in different transactions on different days. For example, if you choose to only use a coupon 3 times instead of 5 times in a single purchase, the coupon will be applied to that transaction and will no longer be valid for subsequent transactions!
Once digital coupons are loaded to your card, you have through 11/9 to redeem them.
Where does it state that I can use my ecupons 5 times? Because i wen to kroger and they told me i could only use it one time ? Help plz
I used to be able to combine paper coupons only with these Kroger coupons that say “use up to 5 times in a single transaction”. But now the register removes the ecoupon if I use a paper coupon on the same item. Oh well. It was nice while it lasted on these specific ecoupon types.
If my digital coupons do not say anything about the 5 transactions, does that mean my store does not offer it?
If you look in your weekly sale paper, there should be a small section that will show 4 items that are part of this promotion, that should tell you if your store is doing it. There are regular digital coupons that can be used once, then there are the ones that say use up to 5 times in a single transaction. These are listed under the promotion section and mixed in with the regular digital coupons.
Deanna Nichols
I used the $1.00 off soda coupons and was able to get enough for my eldest daughter’s upcoming baby shower and my middle daughter’s high school graduation in the spring. I paid $0.44 for every 6 that I bought!!
Meant to say “Can I buy 10 of the paper towels”
The promotion coupons had different expiration dates. Can both of them be used? One is for 11/2 and the other 11/9. Can I but 10 of the paper towels and get the $2 off each?
Yes, but I would do them it in separate transactions.
“do them in separate”, I think we need an edit button 🙂