Here’s a nice coupon that popped up this morning and lucky for us these Kernel Season’s products are also on sale at Kroger. I recommend that you pop some corn, add your favorite flavor and pop in “Pride and Prejudice” with Kiera Knightly (or your personal favorite) and just veg on the couch. #funnight 🙂
[pl-deal id=’51242′] [pl-title]Kernel Season’s Popcorn Seasoning (2.4-3 oz) – $1.99 (thru 4/1)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $1/1 Kernel Season’s Popcorn Seasoning printable
Final cost is $0.99![/pl-desc][/pl-deal]
I had a $1 off coupon, and Kroger manager’s special marked it down to $0.99, they wouldn’t accept my dollar off coupon to make the item free. So no free White Cheddar seasoning for me 🙁
The Kernel Season’s is on sale for $2.19 in Texas.
I cannot figure how to print coupon. When I click the page is just blank…
Mr Darcy! =O
Rhonda Kozma
I am not a popcorn fan at all, unless it has the Nacho cheddar seasoning on it. Then I can not stop eating it, lol. It is the only way I will eat popcorn.
My kids love the White Cheddar, I love there is FINALLY a coupon for it and that I have loads of .49 Pop Secret Homestyle microwave popcorn to put it on! BTW it is regularly priced $2.37 at Walmart so this is a great deal! I know I have been buying it for 10 years. #totallyhooked