Hurry to print this BIG FAT $2 Speed Stick Gear coupon, like NOW. Then add it to your Kroger Mega Event shopping list where you’re going to score it for ONLY $0.59!! That is a fantastic price considering these are regularly over $4!!
[pl-deal id=’50282′][pl-title]Speed Stick Gear Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant (2.7-3 oz) – $2.59 (wyb 5 participating items)[/pl-title][pl-desc]Use $2/1 Speed Stick Gear Deodorant, Antiperspirant or Body Spray printable
Final cost is $0.59![/pl-desc][/pl-deal]
Don’t forget to grab regular Speed Stick for just $0.09!
When we get this for the 5 for 5 deal do we have to have 5 coupons for each single item or just one coupon?
Do you know if the body spray is included in this mega price?? My hubby just told me today he would like me to get some body sprays for him so that would be perfect timing if they are included.