Hurry to print this awesome BOGO Free Cheerios coupon valid on ANY variety of Cheerios 8.9 oz or larger!
I have been fighting with this coupon all the live long day, but it finally worked for me in Chrome. If you are having issues, I will go with my old standby suggestion of switching to a different browser…other than that, I am not sure why it’s being so difficult. Good luck!! 🙂
Kelly H.
Kroger wouldn’t let me use this one… it wouldn’t scan and also wouldn’t let them hand enter so they refused it. They usually agree to manually remove the amount, but since it’s BOGO they are pickier if they don’t scan so they refused. Anyone else have issues with this one?
Wendy A.
I cannot get, Mozilla, or Google Chrome. A pop-up keeps popping up telling me I have a won some dam prize. Too frustrating to mess with.
Mine only printed in Internet Explorer
Sorry, my first comment was intended for the cabo fresh product 🙁
cabo brand is in produce beside the wholly guacamole brand near salads
cabo brand is over by the wholly guacamole near salads in produce
I was able to print 1 on my chrome. I hope I could find one at my Fry’s food store. Do you guys know where to find this inside the store. Thanks a lot 🙂
It printed for me with Mozilla, but they’re only giving one. Oh well, I guess that’s understandable.
Nora Scott-Platt
It let me print only one in chrome. thanks
got it 😀 thanks!!