This is just a reminder that you can load your Limit 5 Digital coupons to your Kroger Plus card for week TWO! Once you have loaded the digital coupons to your card, you can use each one 5 times for a SINGLE transaction/purchase.
PLEASE NOTE: The Tide/Gain and Tide Simply coupon did NOT reload for week two 😭 so hopefully you stocked up last week with that amazing deal.
Please Note: It is against store policy to stack a digital coupon and a paper coupon! Learn more about Kroger Digital coupons HERE.
IMPORTANT: You can use these coupons up to 5 times in a SINGLE transaction. You cannot use these coupons in more than one transaction or in different transactions on different days. For example, if you choose to only use a coupon 3 times instead of 5 times in a single purchase, the coupon will be applied to that transaction and will no longer be valid for subsequent transactions!
Once digital coupons are loaded to your card, you have through 8/7 to redeem them.
I like kroger
Yeah I had notice the pasta sauce was back on there again.
I can get 5 more for my pantry, Which is great since I do have a family of 5 to feed and some kids with friends that stay for dinner. Pasta is always a good go to meal for my kids. 🙂 Yay!
If I load the digital 5x coupons twice can I use both and get 10 items?
Not Sure how to do this I have
s have never used it before Can someone please tell me so I can get these discounts