This is just a reminder that you can load your Limit 5 Digital coupons to your Kroger Plus card today! Once you have loaded the digital coupons to your card, you can use each one up to 5 times!
Once digital coupons are loaded to your card, you have through 02/18/20 to redeem them. There are 140 coupons that you can look through but I’ll be back with some of my favorites so stay tuned!
Please Note: It is against store policy to stack a digital coupon and a paper coupon! Learn more about Kroger Digital coupons HERE.
Linda Mayes
Can I buy 5 roll ups and use this coupon all at once? It will come off all 5 in a single transaction?
lola mills
why wont this let me download any coupons… says sign in… there is no place to sign in. i came in through fb … it shows my name, yet still tells me to sign in.
Betty Alexander