Make sure you get in on this hot deal on Sparkling Ice Water! Right now at Kroger these are on sale for $0.88 and we have a rebate stack below for you to check out!! OUR final cost is $0.58 each!!!
[pl-deal id=’499968′][pl-title]Sparkling Ice Water (17 oz) – $0.88 (thru 7/6)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Buy (6), Pay $5.28, Submit for $1.25/6 Sparkling Ice Water (17 oz only) product *ibotta Rebate – Limit 1
And Earn $0.55/6 Sparkling Ice Water (17 oz only) Kroger Cash Back Offer – Limit 1[/pl-desc][pl-finalprice]0.58 each[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
*Amounts may vary by account.
My Ibotta is $0.55/6.