Did you know that nearly 1 in 5 girls in the U.S. have missed school or other event due to a lack of period protection? When a girl isn’t properly protected during her period, it puts her confidence, dignity and education at risk. She’s less likely to attend school or other functions, and if she does, is likely to feel distracted and unable to focus on reaching her full potential. Kroger has helped donate over 1.6 MILLION period products to help keep girls in school and they are not stopping now!
Join Kroger, as they partner with Always, to help #EndPeriodPoverty from 3/18/20-3/31/20. All you need to do is pick up a pack of Always Pads and Tampax Tampons at your local Kroger (or through Kroger Pickup) to spark a period product donation to the Feeding America Network. We invite everyone to help #EndPeriodPoverty so that, together, we can create a country where no girl has to miss anything because she doesn’t have access to period protection.
Take advantage of these great deals and help #EndPeriodPoverty today!
Post sponsored by Procter & Gamble. All opinions remain my own.
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