Today ONLY be sure to head to Kroger and you’ll get 70% off of slippers for the family.
Most of the adult are priced at $14.99 which means you’ll be able to pick up for ONLY $4.50. My daughter (Kendra here) is into Frozen and Frozen 2 so I got her a pair. After discount I only paid $5.99 for hers and $4.50 for a pair for me and my husband. SCORE!!
Please NOTE: While at self checkout I had to either redeem or save my 50% Holiday Savings Bonus. Since I only had slippers in my cart I chose to save that for my BIG purchase this weekend!!
A family that slippers together, stays together, right??
Click HERE if you want to learn what you can use your Holiday Bonus on!!
Thank you.
I dont have the holiday bonus. Do I need a coupon? Making sure it’s a one day in store sale. Thx
Kendra Team Kroger Krazy
Hey Sam! No coupon needed. Savings reflected when I used my Kroger card.