So, apparently it’s National M&M’s Day? That’s a thing. Hurry your fingers to load this new Kroger Digital Coupon valid for ONE FREE M&M’s (any variety, 1.14 – 3.05 oz) package, found in the checkout lane! Then, just get to Kroger anytime on or before 10/19 to pick one up! You can choose from any of the varieties available in your store that fall under this sizing. Limit 1.
(thanks Sarah, Hazel, Erika, Melinda, & Marlo!)
Not on my Kroger app in Ft Wayne Indiana
None for me in West Virginia
Has anyone tried redeeming this at a non-Kroger store and had the coupon work successfully?
Also, the even though the coupon specifically mentions M&Ms, if you look at the coupon in the app it shows Snickers and Twix as associated items with the coupon, so has anyone had the coupon come off when buying a Snickers or Twix?
Works on the bigger sharing size which is 3.27 ounces
I found it in Kansas. Try instead of
If I load this from the Kroger site, will it work at my local Smiths?
Sadly it haven’t found it on the Dillon’s app. (Kansas)