Click HERE to view pictures of ALL of my favorite filler items in this mega sale.
In a Mega Event situation, you MUST purchase 4 participating items (in this case) to get the additional $4 mega savings ($1 per item). So, for example you have a cart full of groceries, but you count only 7 items. A filler item is what you grab to get your item count up to a multiple of 4 so that you can get the mega discount on all of your items. Preferably something very inexpensive that doesn’t require a coupon, because if you had a coupon – it’s probably already in your cart!
(all prices valid through 9/27 and prices below assume you purchase in multiples of 4 – mix & match)
Don’t forget you can view the Mega Event full inclusions list HERE.
Lynette, you can mix and match any 4 participating items, it doesn’t matter the price. Hope this helps.
Thank you! That is awesome!
So, my question is….if the sale is a buy 4 for $2.99, do you have to buy 4 2.99 items or can you buy 2 – $2.99 Items and 2 that are buy 4 for $.99? Both would be buy 4 items but they are buy 4 – different priced items. I am sure that made no sense, but if you can decipher, let me know.
Funny, I have been Shopping Virtually from your post of the Mega Sale, I know what I want and going to get it Thank you for your post I can’t wait to Get Shopping Tomorrow at 6 am Before the crowd
Cheryl Griffith
Why havnt I recieved kroger krazy emails for the last 3 days . Thank you really appreciate all info you put out for us frugal shoppers. Cheryl Griffith
What is this? And where is the digital coupon for it…Private Selection Batard (12 oz)
Mel, that is frozen Artisan Garlic Bread. The coupon can be loaded to your card from the Kroger App, or here: Sort by FROZEN to locate it quickly.