I’m so excited to try these! They look soooo gooood! Print this new Sargento Balanced Breaks coupon for a great deal at Kroger!
[pl-deal id=’85419′][pl-title]Sargento Balanced Breaks (3 pk) – $3.50 (thru 4/14)[/pl-title][pl-desc]Use $0.75/1 Sargento Balanced Breaks printable[/pl-desc][pl-finalprice]2.75[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
Very good get on sale can b overpriced
Good snack and only 12 g carbs
I LOVE THESE! They’re great for my husband, a diabetic. He’s n the road all day and becomes famished between meals. They are an instant lift.
I tested them for a survey about a year ago. They were nice pairings & really good but incredibly overpriced. You could do the same at home with your own container and groceries for literally a fraction of the cost. I guess if you were in a hurry or traveling, maybe.
There is a 50¢/1 blinkie next to it at my kroger 🙂