I told you about this Suave Kids coupon a couple of weeks ago but wanted to update you on a Kroger sale. Pick up a bottle for just $0.69 until August 26th!
[pl-deal id=’64913′][pl-title]Suave Kids Hair Care (12 oz) – $1.69 (thru 8/26)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $1/1 Suave Kids Hair or Body Wash Product printable
Or $1/1 Suave Kids Hair or Body Wash from 7/27 RP (exp 8/24)
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FYI, this printable coupon is no longer available.
I can not find this coupon. Are you using a certain zip code?
why can I not find coupon for suave kids shampoo?
The kids Suave body wash is also $1.69 at my Kroger & I had a $1 Suave kids hair or body wash Kroger digital coupon loaded on my card. (x 10/26)
i can not find the suave kids shampoo. help?
I cant seem to get the daily new coupons to print. cant find them. does that mean they are not offered in ga? ex: brut deodorant… sure deodorant? not sure what im doing wrong. please help. im new to couponing. thanks
Hi April,
The Sure deodorant and Brut deodorant are insert coupons that were in your 8/17 SS.