These sound SO good!!
Taco Bell is offering a new printable coupon for a FREE Frutista Freeze Orange N Creme Swirl! Valid through 11/25 or until 500,000 coupons are printed.
Plus, be sure to check the back page of your 10/17 Redplum insert for a full page of Taco Bell Beverage coupons, including a FREE Limeade Sparkler!
(thanks, BargainBlessings!)
hahahaha!!! That is SO funny, and some how SO sad all at the same time! 🙂 Don’t worry, we can ALL relate!
Just the other day at Taco Bell, my daughter asks me.. Mom can I get one of those orange swirly things. I said, No. She said, let me guess no coupon (in a semi-snotty 13 year old tone).
Now .. I can tell her she can have one cause I HAVE a COUPON!!!!