Check out the NEW Lower Prices on Vicks Products at Kroger. Just yesterday we saw NyQuil and DayQuil drop to $7.99. We also have a couple of BIG FAT $3 coupons along with Checkout51 Rebates that will allow you to really score on DayQuil, NyQuil and Baby Rub. The price seems to vary GREATLY by region for the BabyRub, so I have included a price range for that. Hopefully you find the lower price and pick one of these up for ONLY $1.29!! I have all the deal scenarios for you below!
But that’s not all…keep reading for your chance to win a $100 Kroger Gift Card courtesy of Vicks and P&G!
[pl-deal id=’179624′][pl-title]Vicks DayQuil (12 oz) – $7.99 (Reg Price)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $3.00/1 Vicks Product; Excludes ZZZQuil and VapoRub – Kroger Digital Coupon – Limit 1 (exp 06/30/17)
Or $1.00/1 Vicks DayQuil Product printable; Excludes VapoDrops, QlearQuil, ZzzQuil and Trial or Travel Size; Limit of 4 Identical Coupons Per Household Per Day
$1.00/1 Vicks DayQuil Product printable; Excludes VapoDrops, QlearQuil, ZzzQuil and Trial or Travel Size; Limit of 4 Identical Coupons Per Household Per Day
Pay as low as $4.99, Submit for $1.00/1 Vicks DayQuil or NyQuil – Checkout 51 Rebate; Includes 12 oz Only – Limit 2
[pl-deal id=’179625′][pl-title]Vicks NyQuil (12 oz) – $7.99 (Reg Price)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $3.00/1 Vicks Product; Excludes ZZZQuil and Vap0Rub – Kroger Digital Coupon – Limit 1 (exp 06/30/17)
Or $1.00/1 Vicks NyQuil Product printable; Excludes VapoDrops, QlearQuil, ZzzQuil and Trial or Travel Size; Limit of 4 Identical Coupons Per Household Per Day
$1.00/1 Vicks NyQuil Product printable; Excludes VapoDrops, QlearQuil, ZzzQuil and Trial or Travel Size; Limit of 4 Identical Coupons Per Household Per Day
Pay as low as $4.99, Submit for $1.00/1 Vicks DayQuil or NyQuil – Checkout 51 Rebate; Includes 12 oz Only – Limit 2[/pl-desc]
[pl-deal id=’179626′][pl-title]Vicks VapoRub or Baby VapoRub (1.76 oz) – $5.29 – $6.25 (Reg Price, varies by region)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $3.00/1 Vicks VapoRub Product – Kroger Digital Coupon – Limit 1 (exp 06/30/17)
Or $1.00/1 Vicks VapoRub Product printable; Includes 1.76 oz (50 g) or 3.53 oz (100 g); Limit of 4 Identical Coupons Per Household Per Day
$1.00/1 Vicks VapoRub Product printable; Includes 1.76 oz (50 g) or 3.53 oz (100 g); Limit of 4 Identical Coupons Per Household Per Day
Pay as low as $2.29, Submit for $1.00/1 Vicks VapoRub Cough Suppressant – Checkout 51 Rebate – Limit 1[/pl-desc]
Vicks is offering one lucky reader a $100 Kroger Gift Card!! To enter to win, just follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter below. It’s super easy, so don’t let it intimidate you! You MUST share the post on your Facebook page to be eligible to win. This is the only mandatory entry, and all other options serve as extra entries into the giveaway. Good luck!
Winner will be drawn at random on June 30th and announced in THIS post. I will also email winner (check your spam too!) directly. Winner has 48 hours to respond or will forfeit to runner up.
Post and giveaway sponsored by Vicks/Procter & Gamble. All opinions are 100% my own.
The baby Vaporub is the best Vick’s product.
I like the Vicks VapoRub. Has been a life saver every time.
Dayquil and Nyquil. Best things ever when you have the cold or flu.
Nyquil is my favorite
I like Nyquil.
I like Vicks Nyquil. Follow you on Pinterest:
We always have Vicks Sinex on hand. Thank you so much for the giveaway!
Vicks Vapor Rub is my absolute FAV!
We have the humidifer. I also like the drops.
Vick VapoRub is my favorite! Helps me breath through my nose when it’s stuffy and chest is congested.
Love Kroger Krazy
I like Vicks VapoSteam Camphor Cough Suppressant.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
The baby vapo rub has been a mainstay in my house for awhile! Love it!
Nyquil !! Can’t get to sleep without it.
I love the Nyquil – Dayquil combo pack
i love the vicks vapor inhaler, it is in my purse at all times!!
I love Vicks Vapor rub when I am sick and I got a Vicks Baby vaporizer at a garage sale for a quarter I still use to help my sinuses.
I love all Vicks products
The vicks vapor rub has been my favorite. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but do you just have to click on it to share it to your facebook? I read that it is a manditory requirement, and I just wanted to make sure I did it correctly. My vicks digital coupon is only good till the 30th and I can’t make it back their till after the 1st of July. Darn. Good luck everyone.
I like Vicks Nyquil.
Vicks VapoRub is the best! My son has allergies and gets a stuffy nose, so a little rub helps him sleep!
I like the vapoinhaler a lot!
Vapo rub! I get crazy bad coughs in winter its the best thing to rub on your feet before sleeping.
My favorite Vicks product is Vicks VapoRub.
I’m part of the old school people- when I’m congested or when my son is, we grab the vaporub. And, unlike so many other things we can buy, this HAS to be name brand ONLY!
I’ve used VapoRub since I was a kid!
I’ve been using Vicks VapoRub since I was a kid and still use it as an adult.
Vicks Nyquil is what we use, it’s the best product
Vaporub is my favorite product. It is definitely a life saver!
My favorite is Nyquil! It helps me a good sleep, too.
States not good on vapor rub
Vicks Nyquil is my favorite
Thanks for all you do!
My favorite is the Baby Vicks rub
Vicks Vapo Rub is my favorite!
I loove the old fashion vapor rub.
Vicks rub works great if you rub it on your feet and wear socks to bed when you feel a cold coming on it will stop you from getting sick!
My favorite is Vick’s Greaseless Cream. It’s great and so is this site!!!
VapoRub is my favorite….thanks
Zzzquil is my fav! got get them z’s. thank you!
I love the origin Vick’s ointment
Vapo Rub
My favorite is the babu rub, when my babies having cough and congestion this is the only one I use for them
The Vicks humidifier and baby rub are my favorite products.