We have a good Red Baron deal going on at Kroger for the Mega Sale! Print and Clip both of these coupons and get your deal today!
[pl-deal id=’124421′][pl-title]Red Baron Singles (1-2 ct) – $2.29 (wyb 5 participating items thru 3/15)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Buy 2, Use $1.00/2 Red Baron Pizzas printable
Or $1.00/2 Red Baron Pizzas – 1-31-16 SS, Includes 7.2 oz or Larger Only; DND (Expires 03/31/16) 1-31-16 SS[/pl-desc]
[pl-deal id=’124422′][pl-title]Red Baron Classic Pizza (14.76 – 23.45 oz) – $2.79 (wyb 5 participating items thru 3/15)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Buy 2, Use $1.00/2 Red Baron Pizzas printable
Or $1.00/2 Red Baron Pizzas – 1-31-16 SS, Includes 7.2 oz or Larger Only; DND (Expires 03/31/16) 1-31-16 SS[/pl-desc]
These were not marked at my store as part of the mega sale. Only at the 3.xx sale price.
Rolling along