Tyson Grilled & Ready Chicken Breast Strips are already on sale at Kroger for $2.50 BUT we have a $1 insert coupon that will help you to pay just $1.50 per bag. Now grab some lettuce, vegetables and of course an avocado and have yourself a nice salad (or not)!
[pl-deal id=’91776′][pl-title]Tyson Grilled & Ready Chicken Breast Strips (6 oz) – $2.50 (thru 6/21)[/pl-title]
[pl-desc]Use $1/1 Tyson Chicken Strips from 04/26 SS (exp 7/26)[/pl-desc]
Don’t think this is real, do not see a coupon anywhere.
Coupon was in the paper a few weeks ago. 😉
How do I use this coupon?
Thank you for there lots of Hungry folks can really help to buy low price items and have a meal Thank You Kroger